Throughout the entirety of the property, we will design and work towards future generations’ usage of the site. Opportunities for future use may include parks, amphitheaters, mixed-use development,...
Typically during the first 20 years of Luck’s projects, approximately 60% of the property will be retained in open space. At the ultimate build-out of the property, it will have approximately 40%...
At Luck Companies, we invest in communities where we can create lasting and beneficial outcomes for localities and associates. We take a long-term, thoughtful approach to this work and hold ourselves...
1. Capital Investment - As the site develops, Luck Stone will spend upwards of $20,000,000 to establish the site infrastructure and secure equipment. This investment will continue growing over the...
The Luck Stone business will bring 15 - 25 local jobs. In addition to other benefits, including a pension and 401 (k) matching for associates of the company, Luck Stone will also be utilizing local...
Luck Companies proposes multiple use opportunities on each of our sites. We intend to leverage our Luck Real Estate Ventures business to develop and install developed pads to recruit additional...