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Our values

Our Values

At Luck Companies, our values are more than cultural expectations; they are the principles of the way we operate our businesses.


Takes personal responsibility for the success of self, others, and the organization

  • Model safety, health, and environmental stewardship
  • Do what it takes
  • Pursue excellence
  • Celebrate success


Earns the trust and respect of others

  • Be honest
  • Do what you say
  • Hold self and others accountable
  • Give and receive feedback


Delivers ideas and innovation that add value

  • Be curious
  • Learn new skills
  • Be open to change
  • Explore and experiment


Ignites human potential and performance

  • Value diversity and differences
  • Develop self and others
  • Inspire confidence and optimism
  • Confront issues
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What are the financial benefits to the community?

1. Capital Investment - As the site develops, Luck Stone will spend upwards of $20,000,000 to establish the site infrastructure and secure equipment. This investment will continue growing over the life of the site leading to total capital investitures of more than $50,000,000. This investment helps to introduce new dollars into local, state and regional economies. Please see the Economic Development Study for each of our greenfield projects for more information:


Fairfield, SC 
Enoree, SC


2. Tax Revenue - Luck Companies does not request any tax incentives associated with a Greenfield development. A new site will contribute additional tax revenue to a locality through our payment of real estate, personal property, sales & machine and tool taxes.

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