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Our values

Our Values

At Luck Companies, our values are more than cultural expectations; they are the principles of the way we operate our businesses.


Takes personal responsibility for the success of self, others, and the organization

  • Model safety, health, and environmental stewardship
  • Do what it takes
  • Pursue excellence
  • Celebrate success


Earns the trust and respect of others

  • Be honest
  • Do what you say
  • Hold self and others accountable
  • Give and receive feedback


Delivers ideas and innovation that add value

  • Be curious
  • Learn new skills
  • Be open to change
  • Explore and experiment


Ignites human potential and performance

  • Value diversity and differences
  • Develop self and others
  • Inspire confidence and optimism
  • Confront issues
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How many employees will be on site?

The Luck Stone business will bring 15 - 25 local jobs. In addition to other benefits, including a pension and 401 (k) matching for associates of the company, Luck Stone will also be utilizing local haulers vendors, allowing them to grow their businesses. In addition, the business park component of the proposal will be able to accommodate hundreds of jobs to be recruited to the area, bolstering the area’s growth.

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