Our values

Our Values

At Luck Companies, our values are more than cultural expectations; they are the principles of the way we operate our businesses.


Takes personal responsibility for the success of self, others, and the organization

  • Model safety, health, and environmental stewardship
  • Do what it takes
  • Pursue excellence
  • Celebrate success


Earns the trust and respect of others

  • Be honest
  • Do what you say
  • Hold self and others accountable
  • Give and receive feedback


Delivers ideas and innovation that add value

  • Be curious
  • Learn new skills
  • Be open to change
  • Explore and experiment


Ignites human potential and performance

  • Value diversity and differences
  • Develop self and others
  • Inspire confidence and optimism
  • Confront issues
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Luck Companies’ mission is to ignite human potential through values based leadership and positively impact the lives of others around the world. This is why we exist. It’s why we show up to work every day. It’s why we grow. And it’s why we give back.

Through the Luck Companies Foundation, we support our associates in matching gifts to the organizations that mean the most to them. In addition, the Luck Companies Foundation partners with nonprofits to lead work in Values-Based Leadership and Environmental Stewardship, resulting in long-term, positive outcomes for our communities.

Apply For a Grant

THE FIRST STEP: Please complete and submit a "Request for Funding" form by clicking the “Apply For Grant” button below. The request should succinctly describe your organization and the proposed project, with an explanation of its relevance to specific Foundation areas of focus. Please also include an estimate of the funds being requested. Applications that do not address a specific topic within our areas of focus will not be reviewed.

All specifications in the "Request for Funding" form must be met in order for us to review your request.

HOW IT WORKS: The Foundation receives many more grant requests than it can fund. Submitting a formal grant request does not mean that funding will be approved.

We will review requests four times a year, and preference will be given to those that affect our areas of primary emphasis - Values Based Leadership and Environmental Stewardship. Long-term positive impact on the communities in which we operate is a critical to our consideration of each grant request. We also expect recipients to provide an annual report on long-term impact and project effectiveness.

For more information on the Luck Companies Foundation, please contact:

The Luck Companies Foundation
P.O. Box 29682
Richmond, VA 23242-0682
Telephone: (800) 898-5825; (804) 476-6438
Fax: (804) 784-5380

Get in touch